Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

final fantasy mmorpg
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – review coming soon
Thank you for reading this post. You rock!
Below is a list of the upcoming MMO games of 2014. All of these games are currently under development so they are not playable yet. Most of the info here was taken from their official websites, press releases and interviews. The original sources are credited and linked to but since these MMORPGs are still being developed the details given here may change.
This post will be updated regularly as more information about each upcoming MMORPG becomes available.
Many release dates given here are just speculative so please don’t think of them as set in stone.
Editor’s comment: this post was originally written March 2, 2013. Since then, of course, new information has become available. Games that were thought to be free are now revealed to be pay to play while some have pushed back their release dates past 2014. This list is constantly being revised.

Ghost in the Shell MMO Game

mmorpg 2014
Ghost in the Shell MMO Game
Release Date: 2014
Developer: Neople (subsidiary of Nexon)
Website: none yet
Monetization: possibly free-to-play
Nexon has partnered up with Kodansa to develop a brand new Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX MMO shooter. The expected release date is early 2014. The official announcement in the Nexon website says that it will be a futuristic MMO first-person shooter featuring cyborg battles. There is also something called “cooperative battle mode, a new concept that integrates artificial intelligence with the player.” No other details are known.

LEGO Minifigures MMO

lego minifigures mmorpg
LEGO Minifigures MMO
Release Date: testing 3rd quarter 2013, release first half 2014
Developer: Funcom
Website: none
Monetization: free-to-play
The upcoming LEGO Minifigures MMO by Funcom is scheduled for closed beta testing in the 3rd quarter of this year and they are going for a 2014 release date. The MMO will be a family-friendly that is available for play on the PC, Mac, iOS, Android and Windows mobile platforms. The LEGO Minifigures MMORPG is envisioned as a fun, collection-driven game for kids with lots of LEGO humor, flashy combat, PvP brawls, and team PvP. It will contain a lot of different game environments from outer space to a world based on Greek mythology.


Release Date: 2014
Developer: Bungie
Monetization: Buy to play
By the creators of Halo, the upcoming shared world shooter game Destiny is due for release in 2014 on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. No PC version has been announced. No subscription will be needed though the game is not free. Players will have to purchase the game itself and play it online, presumably because there is no offline single-player mode.
For more information we suggest that you read this rather long but informative post on Kotaku.

The Crew

the crew mmo
The Crew
Release Date: Q1 2014
Developer: Ivory Tower & Ubisoft Reflections
Monetization: buy to play
An open world racing game set in a persistent world, The Crew is an upcoming racing MMO that will be launched next year for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It is set in the modern-day United States and offers players the freedom to either free roam (drive around with no goals in mind) or accept race, outrun and takedown missions. Players will be able to free-ride and work on missions solo or join a “crew” which is a group of 2-4 players.
The developers have not revealed the exact number of cars that will be available in the game but they have stated that it will “offer the widest variety of car types ever seen in a driving game.” (source) The Crew will also have extensive car customization options so that players can make their own car uniquely different from all of the others on the road.

Star Citizen

mmorpg 2014 star citizen
Star Citizen
Release Date: 2014
Developer: Roberts Space Industries
Monetization: Subscription
Not your usual MMO game, Star Citizen by Roberts Space Industries (RSI) is a sandbox space game with open world architecture set in space that is being developed by Chris Roberts, the same guy who made the popular, genre-defining game Wing Commander. Strictly speaking it is not just an MMO (although it is set in a persistent world) because there is also a single-player, offline game mode. Private servers and mods will also be allowed.
This sandbox MMO will feature over 100 different galaxies in which they can trade, mine, fight and complete missions. Politics and the economy will be player-run in this space-sim MMO.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Elder Scrolls Online

the elder scrolls online
The Elder Scrolls Online
Release Date: Q2 2014
Developer: Zenimax Online Studios
Monetization: subscription
The Elder Scrolls Online has been called “The Next Big Thing” in MMORPG gaming. There has been massive media coverage about this game. If you want to check it out for yourself, you can signup for beta testing on the official TESO website. So far it looks like this will have the usual fantasy RPG type of gameplay with real-time action combat. One of the interesting things about TESO is that there will be no servers or shards, everyone will be connected and online in the same world.
Note that in the older blogs or news sites you might see a release date of 2013. That was the original date given but it has now been delayed to Spring 2014. The Elder Scrolls Online is also due for release not just on the PC but also the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.


zombie survival mmorpg
Release Date: TBA
Developer: Undead Labs
Monetization: unknown
Class4 is Undead Lab’s upcoming zombie survival open-world online game for the Xbox 360. Another project, called Class3, will be released first. Class3 will be also be an online game (on Xbox Live) but on a small scale meant for two players while Class4 is much more massive, with thousands of players simultaneously playing on the same server. Class3 will start off the story with a major zombie outbreak then Class4 will show what happens as the the outbreak progresses into a full-fledged zombie apocalypse and the total breakdown of modern society.
The man behind Undead Labs is Jeff Strain, ArenaNet co-founder and former World of Warcraft lead programmer. Strain has stated that he likes the microtransaction business model so it is possible that it will launch as free-to-play or possibly buy-to-play. Subscription fees are reportedly impossible since the Xbox LIVE Gold service already requires a monthly fee.

World of Darkness

world of darkness mmo
World of Darkness
Release Date: TBA
Developer: CCP Games
Website: none
Monetization: unknown
World of Darkness is an upcoming MMO game set in the dark fantasy world of Vampire: the Masquerade created by White Wolf Publishing. It is expected to be somewhat true to its origins by featuring social interaction, player politics and role-playing, with faction and territories being a big part of the game. It will explore the themes of “Mystery, Romance, Power and Danger” and it will not be particularly combat-intensive unless the player prefers to play it that way. (Source)
CCP Games is the developer of the sandbox MMORPG Eve Online.
According to what was revealed in the 2012 EVE Fanfest, players can play it in three different ways:
Coffeehouse style – players who like the social aspects of the game can play the coffeehouse which is very casual and RP player focused
Theme park – the part that has a lot of PvE, like traditional MMORPG gameplay
Sandbox – this is apparently the biggest and most important part of the game which has a lot of player conflict and politicking, cities will be controlled by “Princes”

Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance

lineage eternal
Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance
Release Date: TBA
Developer: NCSoft
Website: none
Monetization: unknown
Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance, also called Lineage III, is the much-anticipated third release in the popular Lineage MMORPG franchise. Details are sparse at the moment but a recent demo showed that it has an isometric (top-down) view like that of Diablo. Terrain and interactive objects in the environment will be a big part of the combat system. For example, if a fire spell is cast, the surrounding plants will catch fire. Three clases, Warrior, Mage and Elemental Archer have been announced but more are expected to be added before the game’s release. (Source)
The release date of 2014 is just a guess since there has been no official announcement about it yet. The reason why it may come out in 2014 is because NCSoft, the developer, has run into serious trouble because the source code for Lineage Eternal has allegedly been stolen. This is bound to cause a delay. Despite this problem, it’s still worth keeping an eye out for news about this upcoming MMO since its two predecessors, Lineage and Lineage II, have brought in over 1.6 billion in revenues for NCsoft.

PK Project

pk project moba
PK Project
Release Date: 2014 (in Asia)
Developer: SmileGate
Website: none
Monetization: Free-to-play
PK Project is an upcoming multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game being developed by Smilegate, the Korean-based developer that made the popular first-person shooter Crossfire. PK Project will feature iconic Marvel Entertainment characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Hulk as well as characters from myth and history. The release date has been confirmed as 2014 in an official press release by Marvel.com.


titan mmorpg
Release Date: possibly 2016 (exact release date unknown)
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Titan is the codename of one of Blizzard’s current projects. Not much is really known about this MMO and there is no official website yet. This leaked timelineshows a release date of 2014. Of course, Blizzard is already known for creating the best-selling World of Warcraft MMO so a lot of gamers are keeping an eye out for more rumors and news about Titan even though at the moment there is not much that is really known about it except for the fact that it will be separate and distinct from WoW and Diablo. According to Blizzard execs, it will not be subscription based.
This interview with a former Blizzard employee is very revealing though. He says that:
Just as any other blizzard game, it’s gonna be a lot of proven concepts refined to the best of the genre mixed with reliable ways to sell to the masses and added with some tiny bits of hardcore to appeal to even the darkest of souls…. also sims players.
Photo credit: MMOsite

Guild Wars 2

guild wars 2
Guild Wars 2 – this was the top-selling MMORPG of 2013 and we expect it will continue to be on top in 2014. GW2 is an amazingly polished MMO that has a great number of fun features such as dynamic events, a massive world to explore, and a personal storyline for each player. Unlike other games that require grinding (staying in one place doing the same thing over and over again for exp), GW2 fosters exploration. Even though the price of GW2 is cheap, this game was clearly a labor of love by the developers because the sheer beauty of the graphics and amount of detail in the environments is simply staggering.